1. I am not an afternoon person.
2. One of my favorite memories, and one of the times when I was most brave, was when I worked a crowd with a very good friend (who I'd just met) and told each grouping in the crowd a different and false story [to one crowd, we were engaged, to another we were brother and sister, etc.].
3. If there were one trivial thing I could abolish in the world, it would be the mercy rule.
4. I talk a big game.
5. ISFJ, Red, Aries, Year of the Ox
6. My favorite book is "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand; my favorite teacher Mrs. Bradberry introduced me to it, and to her I'm eternally grateful.
7. If I owned a pony, I would name him Skittles.
8. My first instinct when I meet someone who is shy is to include them in conversation; unfortunately, the only way I know how to do that is to lovingly tease that person.
9. I don't easily bruise.
10. I love confrontation.
11. I don't like change: the life-altering events or the coins that jingle in my pocket.
12. I say the name of the person I'm talking to quite frequently in conversation.
13. I dream in wide-scale camera angles.
14. My smile curves slightly more towards the right.
15. My biggest, life-debilitating fear is strangers. And a stranger is anyone I don't know, so if I don't know you, I'm petrified of you. See how easy it is for me to make new friends?
16. I never had school spirit for any of the schools I have attended, until I discovered Comso the Cougar. So, I guess that means I have school mascot spirit.
17. I think Tupac is dead. There, I said it.
18. I commonly use two adjectives to every noun.
19. I don't like otter pops.
20. I never want a white picket fence.
21. I wish I had more friends that I texted regularly. Texting is my favorite!
22. Karaoke is my secret shame. I try and stay away from it as much as possible for that reason.
23. I've ruined a lot of songs for my loved ones because I would put them on repeat. Sorry, Mom!
24. I wear black nail polish sometimes because I saw Lindsay Lohan do it in a magazine once. Shoot me, okay?
25. I am considering not going to my 10 year high school reunion because Facebook has taken all of the mystery out of it.
Are you really ISFJ? I'm ENFJ. How are we such good friends?