Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome to the New So Dang Brilliant

After improving my blog content and finding so much joy in the blogging world, I decided that my blog design needed to match that joy.

Enter the benefits of being married to a web designer who works with web designers.

Caleb's BFF and coworker Matt Gibbons offered to help me get this blog in tip top shape. He set up some new features that I want to point out:
  • I now have a proper "About" page, as well as a "Sites I Love" tab under the header.
  • The "Labels" portion on the sidebar has been cleaned up, so take a look for your favorite topics.
  • I now have the capability to feature some of my favorite blogs and shops through sponsorships. Be on the lookout for that later this month!
There are a few other people who took part in this makeover. Jess of IROCKSOWHAT designed my new header and button. Caleb of TwentyFourTwelve showed me how to take screenshots. And Ashley of After Nine to Five encouraged me to take my blog to the next level. Thanks to all of you great folks.

But I especially want to thank all of my readers. Yes, YOU! When I imagine you, I sometimes see faces I recognize and other times, I envision a new friend that I have yet to get to know. Each person that comprises my audience drives me to share more of my story (good and bad), more encouragement for us all, and all of my heart.

Thanks again, and happy Thursday.