Monday, August 8, 2011

Love Me Tender Monday: Elvis Postcards and Tennessee Driver's License

Looking at the grass that these treasures are on makes me all nostalgic--that's Provo, UT grass! The place where I spent several years of my life and now if I want Provo grass, I have to get in my car to visit it! I don't necessarily have an affinity for any particular region's grass, it's just that... yeah, I hate change. It makes me crazy.

Here are three dreamy Elvis Presley pictures to warm your heart on this Manic Monday. I am fully behind the two sepia postcards, but I am slightly embarrassed by the laminated driver's license. It's pretty obvious that a) that's not his actual driver's license and b) that it's probably not even a close facsimile to the Tennessee driver's license template. In fact, I think that license picture is from a photo shoot. How seriously awesome would it be to bring a glamor shot to the DMV and ask them to slap it on your license? Obviously, I'd ask them to add this photo:


Reminder about the Punk Rawk Purl pillow giveaway--it ends on Friday night, so get your entries in! And you can get a bonus entry if you link the giveaway on your Twitter account or your Facebook; just leave me a comment in the giveaway post saying you have tweeted or facebooked. I want to maximize the lovey-doveyness I have for all of you.

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