Monday, October 19, 2009

You Know What This Is

Favorite Recent Quotation, Especially in Light of A Certain Movie Coming Out:
"Young children have no sense of wonder. They bewilder well, but few things surprise them. All of it is new to young children, after all, and equally gratuitous." - Annie Dillard

Favorite Podcast:

Favorite Thing Coming out of California Currently:
Paige's calendar that she made for her mom.

Favorite New Dream: 
Put together a cool Girl Power-type retreat, whose inspiration stems from The Broad Summit. (Click on it, just click on it, you'll thank yourself later.)

Favorite Internet Hobby:
Looking where potential Web Development jobs would be for Caleb, then finding apartments in those areas. I'm getting excited again to move out of this state!

Favorite 2009 Chic Virus:
H1N1 Flu.
Caleb came back from the Student Health Center on Thursday with some bad news: his achy and feverish self contracted the Swine Flu. Not only was he unable to go to school and work until Wednesday at the earliest, he was not to get near Jack until 24 hours after his fever had broken. We put up the baby gate so Caleb could leave the bedroom door open, without Jack being able to get near him. The first couple of days, Jack would go over and check out what Daddy was doing, much like looking into the bear cage at the zoo. Caleb was miserably bored, I was a bit stressed, and Jack wasn't able to comprehend why Daddy couldn't play.

And then, things got worse. I woke up with no energy and a sore throat a couple of days ago. The situation was dire for a bit, given that Caleb and I both were contagious and Jack is not very self-sufficient yet. We tag-teamed the responsibilities, and when we could do no more, we called Carlie to watch the baby.

Since then, Caleb's gotten to the point where only has a headache and a bit of an energy lack. I have gotten worse, though I anticipate that today is going to be the bottom of the barrel and things will look up starting tomorrow. We are quite lucky to have so many wonderful people offer us help (locals like Kileen, Whitney, Grandma Chatfield, Keera, Tim, and Carlie and far-aways like my mom, Shyla, and Shelley).

The only downsides to all of the disease (because really, we aren't hospitalized-sick, and we have an excuse to all be together for days and days. We're fortunate beings...) is that Jack has the possibility of getting sick and that we haven't been able to take advantage of the beautiful weather we're currently having. The "real" fall weather of Utah is one of the few, few, feeeeew things we'll miss when we move - we love snuggling with blankies!

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