Wednesday, March 30, 2011

26 Things to do Before Turning 27

This has been one awesome year for me. Not only did I have a super cute baby girl, I started blogging again, made new friends, stretched myself to try to make old friends feel special, recommitted myself to being a good wife, planned several fun get-togethers, and way, way more. I am feeling more in love with life than I can ever remember being. 25 was an extremely wonderful age for me.

So, as I turn 26 today, I wanted to challenge myself to push my limits throughout the year. There's a meme online to make a goals list for one's age. I have never done it before, but I have never felt capable of doing scary things and dreaming big dreams before this year. This list encompasses things I think about daily, from the mundane to the thrilling.

And you know what? All of these things are going to be done well before I turn 27, because I know that this is going to be a great year for me. Thanks for being around for it, all of you.

26 Things Before 27
*Dye at least some of my hair a neon color
*See a therapist
*Eat at my favorite childhood restaurant, El Burrito
*Run a 5k for real
*Go rock climbing
*Sponsor a blog to promote my own
*See five friends from high school and tell them how much they mean to me
*Throw a themed costume party
*Attend a function where I know absolutely no one and make a good friend
*Make another movie with my sisters
*Find an album to make visceral memories to (like the ones to "Late Registration")
*Sleep through the night -- for once!
*Submit a piece of pop culture writing for online publication
*Buy a ridiculously-priced wardrobe item for myself
*Ride a twisty roller coaster
*Create a regularly-scheduled blog challenge
*Learn to French braid
*Take a class, any class
*Speak French for a whole day
*Get acrylic nails and give Caleb a back scratch
*Do the batting cages
*Decorate one room in the house exactly how I want it, no matter the cost
*Buy Adobe Photoshop Elements
*Go to the dentist, finally!
*Send five heartfelt letters to role models in my life
*Write some fan mail to actors/bloggers/entertainers I appreciate